Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Process of the music magazine

Below is screen shots of the process of the construction stage of creating my front cover for my music magazine. 

Firstly, I decided on the photo which I wanted to use, I thought that this was a cute and happy image of the model as she is blowing a kiss towards the audience and she is also looking directly into the camera to engage them into buying and then reading the magazine. I also added the masthead 'Pop Mix' with the font 'A gentle touch'. I thought that the curly style font met the conventions of other pop music magazines and the colour 'purple' is feminine so would attract my intended target audience of young girls. The artists name is placed next to the image of the artist so the audience are able to identify who she is and underneath is a quote from her article inside the magazine. This is purposely used to entice the audience to wanting the read the article by using a catchy and interesting quote from the interview. At the bottom of the magazine is the strap line which is used to promote the products included when you buy the magazine. The explanatory  word  'FREE!' is in red capital letters to stand out and to draw the audiences attention. I believe I have already followed the conventions of a magazine by inserting the bar code, price, and magazine website at the bottom of the magazine. This is quite small because it is not something which the audience would be most interested in. 

Next I have added some coverlines to inform the reader on what is included inside the magazine. I have used a range of colours for this to make it exciting and to also stand out. The puff with the italic font 'Summer Stylin' adheres to my target audience of young teenage girls as hearts s a shape commonly associated with girls, based around love. The date is also placed at the very top of the magazine which is a convention of all magazines. 

I have added another puff onto my front cover but instead this is on the right side of the magazine to show variety. It is advertising a chance to win an Iphone 5, which would immediately draw the audiences attention because it is a very popular phone and the audience may be quite young and not be lucky enough to own an Iphone. Teenage girls would use the phone for messaging their friends and being able to access the variety of social networking sites and games available on the software. The puff is in the shape of a pink star which is commonly associated with girls. 

Lastly, I added the images of the nail varnish and lip gloss which comes with the magazine. This is to inform the audience on what colour the products are and also which brand which they would be interested in. 

Below are the screen shots for the process of my contents page.

I decided to keep the same font for the masthead on the front cover as I did for the text 'Contents page' and 'What's inside' on my contents page to show the magazines continuity. The question 'whats inside...' followed me ellipses is a common convention used in magazines, i found this is 'we love pop' music magazine during my research stage. I have also inserted the text on what is inside the magazine which is separated by subheadings, This makes it easier for the audience to read and the numbers make it quicker for them to access the articles which they want to read. The love hearts placed next to each subheading also adds to the feminine effect and shows that the target audience is clearly young girls. 

Next I added an image of the cover girl 'Lola' onto the contents page. The image is fairly big so stands out and shows that her article dominates the magazine. Blue bold lines were also inserted to separate parts of the magazine, this is to make it look smart and professional and is a common feature on existing contents pages of magazines. 

At the bottom of the magazine is information for how the audience can subscribe to magazine. The word 'suscribe' is in pink capital letters to stand out and to draw the audiences attention as they would be intrigued. But the additional information is smaller as it is not something which everyone would be interested in doing due to the payment. This is because the audience are quite young and wouldn't be able to afford to subscribe monthly to the magazine. Another two images were added which denote summer clothes which links to the article on 'Summer Stylin' this gives the audience an insight on the clothes included on that page. The two images are accompanied by the page number which informs the reader on which pages the article is on and the numbers also tell you what the article is about when you refer to the text on the page underneath the subheadings. 

Below are the screen shots for the process of my two page spread.

I decided to use this image for the two page spread, it shows that the artist looking relaxed and she is looking directly into the camera so she is engaging the audience. I have used the same font used for the mast head on the front cover and it is also the same colour used for Lola on the front cover to show the magazines continuity. The magazines name is also placed in a small writing at the top of the page to reassure people on which magazine they are reading. 

Next, I decided to use an interview instead of a story for this article because I feel as if it would be more entertaining for the audience as they may find a story boring and hard to read due to their age. I made a distinction between the questions and answers based on different colours which would make it easier for the audience to read and understand, but this is a common convention in most pop magazines so I have followed this convention correctly. I have also inserted a pull out quote which is in italic font which looks attractive and would also draw the audiences attention as this catchy quote is intended to persuade them to read the article. 

Here I have added additional information to the two page spread which is the Pop Mix Quiz. These questions were asked to Lola whilst she was on the photo shoot and during the interview, This would engage the audiences attention as they would be intrigued to find out more about the artist. Lola's answers to the questions are a handwritten style font to give the impression that she wrote the answers down. This is a common feature used in magazines in celebrity interviews. At the top right hand side I have inserted the sensational word 'EXCLUSIVE!' this is to remind the audience that it is an exclusive article and it would persuade them to read it. 

I have added some hearts onto my two page spread to make it more attractive and it further makes it more colourful so it would attract the audiences attention. The pink hearts also adhere to a teenage girl audience so I therefore believe that this magazine successfully meets my intended target audiences needs. 

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Research into existing magazine

I decided to do some more research to acquire inspiration on what type of layout I can use for my music magazine. I believe it is important to consider the use of colour, font, layout of the images and choice of images. I looked at both pop magazines and also another genre of magazine which is based around fashion and beauty, this has the same target audience for my product so it would also help me decide what I would like my magazine to look like. 

Below are some examples of front covers which I found:

Monday, 16 March 2015

Changes to music magazine

I was not pleased with the final outcome of my music magazine. I did not think that my pictures which featured on the front cover, contents page and two page spread were a good quality, due to not using a professional camera. I also did not think that the style of my magazine was suitable for my chosen genre 'pop'. I think this was because I did not met the right conventions of a typical pop music magazine. Due to this I am going to be taking  new photos and making distinct differences to the appearance of my magazine to hopefully meet the correct conventions and meet the needs of my intended target audience. 

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Evaluation question 7

Evaluation question 6


I used a variety of technologies when constructing my music magazine these are stated below:

-          Photoshop

-          InDesign

-          Prezi

-          Blogger

-          Go animate