Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Process of the contents page

Below are some print screens of the contents page which I am producing on InDesign

This is what i have done so far on my contents page. Next i am going to put on some pictures which will denote some of the features included inside the magazine. Most pop magazines use more than one picture on the contents page to attract the target audience as they would be intrigued to find out what else is included inside the magazine. I am going to follow this convention for when creating my contents page.
I have changed the title 'contents' to the same font as my masthead on the front page this is because this will link the front cover and the contents page together which will show that it is the same magazine. I have used sans serif font because this shows the informality of the magazine and denotes it's audience 'young girls' this will make it easier for them to read. Whilst doing my research on Pop magazines i discovered that most pop magazines use sans serif font for example 'we love pop' and 'Top of the Pops'. By using sans serif font it enhances a young and modern style towards the magazine.  
I have also used the rectangle tool to create a light blue coloured box which the page number descriptions are placed in. I think this makes the contents page look more attractive and the colours work defiantly well together.
Today I added another picture which is placed on the bottom left corner of the page. This illustrates page number 11 which is 'Ooops embarrassing stories'. It denotes an image of a girl with her mouth wide open which empathises a shocked and embarrassed facial expression. Embarrassing stories are quite common in pop magazines as the intended target audience 'teenage girls' would be interested to find out embarrassing situations which other people have encountered. They would most likely read this article with their friends as its something funny and entertaining to talk about.
You may have noticed that I have changed the picture at the top of the page, it was previously this image below:
 I decided to change the image because I thought that the previous photo didn't represent a fun and typical image of a pop magazine. The expression
 by the model was serious and stern and I do not want my magazine to come across like that. I prefer the image I have now chosen as it distributes a fun and quirky approach and I think this would engage the reader.
Next, I have added a copy of my front cover onto the contents page which is placed at the top. Most pop magazines have the front cover on the contents page so therefore i am going to follow this convention.
This is 'Top of the Pops' contents page, as you can see they have used the front cover on their contents page. This also gives a clearer indication of what features are inside the magazine using numbers and arrows which makes it easier to read and understand. It shows that the front cover and contents page are part of the same magazine and portrays that they link together.

I have added another image which shows a jack wills bag and the caption next to it denotes 'Win Jack Wills goodie bag'. This will attract the young girl audience attention because they would be interested in shopping and obviously winning things so they would be intrigued in how to win this prize. The font 'JACK WILLS GOODIE BAG' is in serif font this makes it look formal. It's the only font on the contents page which has serif font so this would make it stand out. Moreover it links with Jack Wills as they use serif font so it would therefore be recognisable.

I added a caption in the two images so they denote what the picture shows and who it is of, this is important for the audience to know.  I also know that most pop music magazine use this so I am following their conventions.

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